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Monday, April 27, 2015

Our Home Based Business Opportunities of the day

On to more home based business opportunities.

We all have talents that we can use to make money from. Most of the time those skills can be used right at our own homes. Here are actual examples:

Regular Services Where You Can Make Good Money From
  • I have a friend in Spain whose part time home based business is giving massages from her beautiful home, while working on her PhD. She's about to get her doctorate, as of this writing.

  1. I used to write content for website developers and got paid $35/page (via PayPal) after emailing the word files. I wrote so many articles that I had to stop working from time to time and get some rest. Mind you, I used those earnings to pay for the nice vacation.

  2. There’s this mechanic whose online business is to give advice to car owners via chat. The car owners authorize $10 or $20 dollars payment through their credit cards and the mechanic tells them what to do with their car.

  3. The other day, I wrote about starting a home based day care center and later on expand it. I will write about a related business (online) in the next posts.

    Today, I read an article about a guy whose home business is to repair guitars. Because he had no online or other forms of advertising, it took a while for the home business to grow.

    Word of mouth eventually grew his clientele and after a year, he decided to move to a commercial space because lots of guitars are now being sent to him for repairs.

    Here's the Good Part: How To Start A Home Business
    1. Choose a Product. Let's have home baked goodies as a simple example. We all have our home specialties and let's say that one of it is Apple pie.
    2. If you have a special apple pie recipe or something else, you may bake/cook some and cut it into small samplers and hand it out for free during PTA meetings, after church services or at any opportune time. 
    3. Don’t forget to give your business card that advertise your home baked apple pie business after the PTA meetings and eventually, orders will come. I've seen this happen.
           4.  Another way of marketing the business is to hand it out to neighbors and colleagues as Christmas presents but staple your name card and advertisement in the ribbon.
    Don’t forget that there are a lot of home based business opportunities for you out there.

    Keep the faith.

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